Erin Martin doesn't just talk about health, she makes it happen. She and her team at Fresh RX Oklahoma don't just talk community and economic development, they make it happen. There is no status quo in their vocabulary and why they are reaching out to other communities to scale the impacts, as well as influence policies to reverse and prevent chronic conditions.
At the top of their game, Fresh RX Oklahoma shows the way. Listen to our conversation with Erin below and we encourage you to also watch her conversation with Jimmy Emmons below on their take on the connection of human and soil health.
Erin has presented locally, regionally and nationally on the positive impacts to patients health, growth of new farm businesses supporting the produce prescription boxes, and community vitality. She also shows the way in presenting the impact these programs have on the reduction of health care costs. Learn more and contact her through Fresh RX Oklahoma.
“FreshRx Oklahoma sources local and regeneratively grown, nutrient dense, organic vegetables and fruits to program participants while stimulating local economy by supporting small, local farmers.”
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