What is SoilLingual? It's the expertise to talk soil health and its relationship to human and planet health. Beth Dooley, author of The Perennial Kitchen is an example of someone that is proficiently SoilLingual. You will easily be able to tell, as these individuals converse seamlessly between gut microbiome and soil microbes. They talk whole systems and the relationship with their experiences of cause/effect through the food and health cycle. Beth's journey started as a home cook and now a credentialed SoilLingual author, instructor and champion.
Home cooks have agency to be SoilLingual and I'm here to help make that happen.
"The flavors we're working with and the end result really has to do with the quality of the food and the quality of the food and the nutrient value has to do with how it is grown, where it comes from and how it is handled to get to us." - Beth Dooley
Beth Dooley, author of The Perennial Kitchen is an example of someone that is proficiently SoilLingual. https://www.bethdooleyskitchen.com/
Regenerative chicken farm mentioned. https://www.facebook.com/salvatierrafarms